About the Journal
Current Issue
Journal of the Department of Adult Education and Lifelong Learning, Obafemi Awolowo University
Exploring and espousing new sites in the field of adult learning in Africa and beyond
Information to Authors and Formatting Issues
Empirical papers
-Title page
- Abstract
- Introduction
- Statement of the problem
- Research questions/Hypotheses
-Literature review
- Research method
- Result and findings
- Conclusion and Recommendations
- References
Position papers
-Title page
- Abstract
- Introduction
- Body (Theoretical framework, Definition of concepts, Arguments, Counter
Arguements etc)
- Conclusion and Suggestions
- References
Note for both empirical and position paper submission
* Title page: Title of Article
* Name Identification page: Name/s of Author/s (in order of first name middle name
surname), affiliation, and email.
* Abstract: Maximum of 300 words, font size 12, italics, times new Roman font style,
single line spacing.
* Headings: Left alignment, font size 12, bold, Times new Romans font style
* body Text: Justify alignment, font size 12, Times new Roman font style, 1.5-line spacing.
* Tables and figures: APA format 7th Edition
* In-citation and References: APA format 7th Edition
* Sources of references should preferably not be older than ten years.
*Total word count: Maximum of 7000 (aside abstract).
* Page margin should be normal (1 inch on all sides)
*No subscriber/s should have more than one subscription.
*All submissions should be sent as Microsoft word to africanjournal_adultlearning@oauife.edu.ng
* Subject of the email should be the title of the article
All correspondence to
The Editor, africanjournal_adultlearning@oauife.edu.ng